Organic is Better
Why is organic better you ask? Because its true people! I have identified that for some weird reason sometimes people think its better to fade in then to stand out. Being an individual and being who you are is only something YOU can do. So why try so hard to be like others or fit in with what you "think" are the trend setters or cool kids. You can't make me fit in, it's just not going to happen. Anytime someone tries to make me feel a certain type of way because I really don't have not a care in the world about your opinion truly and honestly in my Joanne the scammer voice. Its not that I don't value your opinion its just important for me to be organically who I am at all times and I'm sorry if that bothers you.
Organic vibrations only ensure that your true story will be told and factually. No alternative facts over here please. Being organic helps you build healthy, long lasting relationships . Every person in my life I feel is here because they were suppose to be and they've passed some type of special magical Hogwarts challenge . Anyone who knows me very well knows that being my friend is like being on the Magic School Bus or being in a Harry Potter movie , shit gets crazy and I love it . Humbly I welcome these experiences and expeditions with authentic intentions and vibrations.
Behind the scenes on set imagery taken by Ron Specs.
Market Fashion
Summer Must Haves
One of the summer hottest trends are playful cool colors and off the shoulder tops. Its seems everywhere you turn these off the shoulder or various ways to the a shirt tops has become one of the hottest trends. This style is sultry and sophisticated at the same time giving you a beautiful seamless neckline and keeping it light since its super hot outside. I've seen these tops in all major stores but how you pair the top will set you apart and allow you to add your own twist to it. Here the top is paired with a flowy woven skirt thats adds some flare and movement to the outfit.
| Styled by Bravemoode | Photography by Kriswillphotography |