I really wished I lived by a beach sometimes, okay maybe most times. Only due to the fact that I want to just go out and sit right on the shore in the sand and listen. Listen to the water, to the silence of no one, to the sound of just nature. The full moon was this week on Wednesday and you can always feel the mystic energy of spiritual activity. This full moon also known as the “corn moon” had quite a horoscope for me. Let’s take a quick look at what it said.
“Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
This week resolves a career issue. Whatever you have been learning and unlearning about your role in the world comes full circle this week. May it bring you a greater ease with your work. A greater freedom with all you wish to do. A greater acceptance of your place amongst your peers. With Venus traveling through your 10th house of career, the rest of this month will have you creating with great inspiration, connecting to those partners and people that help you to feel that your work is worth your efforts.
The full moon highlights your creative works. It speaks of the creative dreams that need to be chased by you. The images that need to be channeled through you. The sonnets waiting to be spoken by you. Whatever inspires you is a sacred muse that you must make room for. Make adjustments for. Make a priority right now.
As Mercury stations direct and Mars enters Virgo, they do so in relationship to the full moon. Making obvious the importance of the people that receive your gifts. Making clear the connection between what you want to make manifest and who you wish would applaud your efforts. Making certain that you seek out the collaborators that will help your efforts make the biggest impact. This week marks the beginning of a six week journey of getting more familiar with your potential to influence your peers, your community and future collaborators. Lead with courage, precision and an interest in developing your skills and those that can help and that want your work in the world will make themselves known.
I mean BULLEYE. For some time now I’ve been struggling with getting into a creative career in the corporate world. It didn’t necessarily seem impossible but I think ultimately I lost hope and faith and that never ends well. Staying driven is ingrained in me, I get that from my mom. She is a boss and in spite of things that could hold her back she finds a way to persevere and still reach her goals. I stayed focused on my projects and just hoped that by some way of the universe my work would pay off. I lost my faith by being consumed by negative thoughts about my career and simply not understanding what I already knew which is that no one will ever care about your career as much as YOU. Don’t go around comparing others situation to yours, at the end of the day you are not them and they are not you. I’ve always had the mentality that I am my biggest competition and others are just my opponents. Losing that mentality for a while had me focusing on everyone except me. That’s not me at all. There will be challenges and adversities that we must overcome but sometimes when you think that no one is listening or caring, we must learn how to not care either. Who cares if they care, if you are passionate about your life challenges then that’s all that matters right?
Stay focused in the good vibes only lane. I feel like when we in the road rage lane you can start swerving all over the place, hit an innocent by stander, cross on the opposite side of the road causing a 12 car pileup and then drive off a cliff. Doesn’t the first lane sound more appealing? I’m not a fan of cruise control but its good feature to have. Patience is a virtue and the Lord knows I can get impatient especially after I feel like I have been patient. Now we can speed up and slow down yes but at least we are still moving.
After much reflection and intense soul searching I had to realign myself and get back in the GVO lane where I belong. As I continue to grow and mature I learn from my mistakes. Trying hard to keep myself grounded while still flying high being the gypsy dreamer that I am. Happily I announce that I received a promotion with my current company as the new marketing specialist for PR. See how weird that horoscope ties into all the situations I’ve been facing for a while. All I can say is, that it’s important to see the blessing from every situation you are in. Even if it’s not where you want to be don’t lose your drive to realize that today means something too. Tomorrow is not promised, so even though we dream of what life lies ahead for us, I will never forget its okay to be happy about where you are in present day too. Learning to live in the Trinity and not Duality. Be blessed loves and as always Good Vibes Only.