As Fall approaches I thought I've always wanted to do a black girl magic inspired picnic.
My oh my, how my plant collection has expanded. These two months of having to be at home have made sure I made sure to only put energy into projects and things that truly feed my soul , plants being one of them.
Not only does traveling give you an opportunity to relax and vacate your life, if gives you a new perspective and overall admiration of the places you visit. It’s good to get out your comfort zone, I can’t say that enough. Seeing how people look different, how they talk, their normal everyday customs, food and music, all are something you have to experience for yourself.
I was born November 21, 1989 and for as long as I can remember I’ve loved astrology and my zodiac. Being a seeker of knowledge you realize if you pay attention, how through time in different cultures everyone was sort of saying the same thing but in their own way.
For whatever reason humans have always taken things at face value. What you see is what entirely must be or perception is truly reality. Which is completely not true to a certain extent.
The vibe just needed to be right and truly radiate my vibes. Pulsating all of my inner hippie , gypsy , free spirited aesthetic all over the room . When shooting this I was extremely happy with the dance between light and shadows in the room. Everyone struggles with light and darkness but there is beauty in both.
Transitional moments happen in many situations of life. Seasons, wardrobe, lifestyles , and the list goes on. Recently in the late Spring , I'm happy to announce my husband and I purchased our first house. This is our first home together and really since we have gotten married our love has really grown further and deeper into a spiritual companionship.

And now the color is Green! Went full cosmic on this vibe. I have always preached about the essence of being black comes along with so much more than just the color of our skin. I mean wow, what complex creatures us brown skin sistas are.